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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Eduwisata TK Mardi Siwi Tempel

TK Mardi Siwi Tempel Sleman mengadakan eduwisata di StudioKeramik. Kegiatan ini mereupakan kegiatan pembelajaran luar kelas yang rutin diadakan setiap tahunnya. Untuk kesekian kalinya pihak sekolah memilih StudioKeramik sebagai destinasi pembelajaran luar kelas. Hal ini sangat sesuai karena bermain tanah liat adalah salah satu sarana aman dan terjangkau dari sisi biaya, tetapi berefek sangat besar untuk menumbuhkan kreativitas pada anak-anak, terlebih anak-anak usia dini/TK. Selain itu, dengan tanah liat anak-anak dilatih beraktivitas yang merangsang kinerja motorik halusnya.
Apa yang dipelajari?
Selain berkunjung dan melihat-lihat sarana dan prasarana studiokeramik, anak-anak dilatih membuat produk-produk sederhana dari tanah liat. Mereka dibebaskan membuat apapun: figurin, mangkuk kecil dll agar anak-anak bebas berekspresi sekaligus enyalurkan imaginasi mereka.
Dengan bimbingan staf StudioKeramik dan siswa-siswa prakerin, anak-anak membuat produk-produk keramik yang nantinya akan dibakar dan dapat dipajang dikelas sebagai karya-karya kreatif anak. Anak-anak nampak riang mengikuti kegiatan bermain tanah liat ini.

1 comment:

  1. I understand that your first glazed pottery might have some problems. But I want to tell you not to worry. Help is here. There is nothing wrong with making mistakes while glazing your piece. I can remember the weeks it took me to perfect my glazing skills. You might need to try glazing a few pottery items over and over again. But what do you do to your previously glazed ceramics with defects? Do you just throw them away? There is something you can do. It is called Reglazing. Re-glazing, as the name implies means glazing your previously glazed ceramics. Reglazing is usually done to pottery pieces that have some glazing defects or problems.Your glaze choice affects how the piece looks, and also the properties of this. Some of the different factors that go into glazes include the following:
    • Whether you want to waterproof your pottery
    • Whether you want to add a nice, shiny finish to it
    • Whether you want to add a specific color to it
    All glazes are applied based on the firing temperature. You should make sure that the temperature of the pottery glaze fits with what you’re trying to make since it will only work if it’s fired to the correct temperature.
    glazed pottery
